
If you were (temporary) not able to reach any of our sites, you most likely did end up into our firewalls.

How can I end up in your firewalls?

Legal practices

1. Virus infected computers & spyware
Nowadays, virusses come in images, in little text files, etc.
To protect our servers from getting contaminated by any virus infected materials, we have an extensive system continuously protecting our servers, and with that, making sure our website's content stays uninfected.

Furthermore, virusses and spyware go hand in hand, usually in resulting, if your computer is infected, in illegal actions your computers is performing, usually without the owner of the infected system even knowing it.

Our firewalls detect such illegal actions, and if they see it, they block that computer from accessing our servers. This also means you cannot reach any of our websites anymore.

You can easily prevent your system from being contaminated without your knowledge (most people we helped out with this later thanked us from letting them know), by running an auto-updating virusprotection, and a descent anti-spyware programm. Most virusprotection software nowadays also protects against malicious spyware.

Well tested and light-weight for example is
  • NOD32, a great, very light weight but powerfull antivirus

  • ILLegal practices

    2. external scripting, site grabbing & password guessing
    Site grabbing, for ex. with acrobat, or with any other programm, to get multiple images, illustrations and site content, is blocked by our firewalls, as it is considered theft. This will block you untill we unblock you.

    Scripting, e.g. trying to perform external scripts on our server, is illegally by law; we have no problem with blocking such behaviour, as we feel if you do perform such actions, you don't have anything to do here.
    The same for password guessing scripts and other such shit.

    I have cleaned my system up and still cannot get through

    If you had a virus- and spyware problem and you did clean up your system and still cannot get through, try it the next day. If it then still does not work, contact our site admins by sending us your IP number and informing them you cleaned things up, so they can unblock your computer from accessing our servers. Please note that if your system still is infected, you will be automatically added to the blocklist again, so it's no use requesting us to unblock you if your system still is infected.

    If you performed illegal actions don't bother, we won't unblock your IP.

    Further help

    >> What's new
    >> Reporting Spam & fakers
    >> Login problems
    >> Problems sending msgs/ view photos
    >> Mac users
    >> Help on creating boxes for Your Contacts
    >> Help on using your Blocklist
    >> Help on Your Private box
    >> How to get rid of the sex-tag; msg notifier, change your online status
    >> Help with login problems/ problems editing your profile and pictures/ deleting your profile

    having questions or problems? No problem, just send tomnl a message (one of our webmasters who usually is online).

    We welcome your comments, please send them to the webmasters.
    Gay Amsterdam's & Gay News' Boys Network is a non profit site, in the care of the Foundation Men On Line, Amsterdam NL.

    Revision date: May 29, 2015

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